PalCare Mobile for Android Install and Setup Guide
Installing PalCare Mobile via the Play Store
Open the Google Play Store on your device and search for "PalCare Mobile"
Launching PalCare Mobile for the First Time
Launch PalCare Mobile from your device's app list. You will be presented with the PalCare Mobile login prompt.
Granting Permissions
Once logged in with your PalCare Mobile/Portal credentials, PalCare Mobile will request the permissions needed to work properly. It is important that all permissions are allowed or notifications may not be delivered as expected.
Notification Permissions
PalCare Mobile will request permission to send notifications. Tap allow or notifications will never be presented to the user.
Volume Overrides
PalCare Mobile will request permission to override both device mute and device volume adjustments to make sure that notifications can be delivered to care staff. For staff devices, these should be enabled. For management or personal devices, they can be ignored.
Do Not Disturb Access
PalCare Mobile can be set to override the Do Not Disturb mode on most phones, ensuring that care staff receive notifications, even if the phone is put into DND mode. Once again, this should be enabled for staff devices. For management or personal devices, they can be ignored.
Tap Open DND Access Settings, scroll to PalCare and tap it, turn on Allow Do Not Disturb, and tap Allow.
Disabling Battery Optimization
Android has a feature to save battery life that will turn apps off and prevent them from sending notifications in certain instances, causing notification delays for alerts. To disable this feature for PalCare Mobile, Battery Optimization must be disabled.
In the Request Ignore Battery Optimization box, tap yes. The Battery Optimization window will open. Tap the "Not Optimized" drop down menu and tap All apps. Scroll down or search for PalCare. It will have "Optimizing Battery Use" below it. Tap on PalCare and select "Don't Optimize" and then Done.
Confirming PalCare Mobile's Permission and Override Configuration
If, for whatever reason, these settings are not applied during the initial setup, they can be accessed via the settings in PalCare Mobile. Tap the menu at the top left corner of your screen, tap Settings, then Notifications. Make sure all the options are turned on. If notifications are not being delivered, please tap the Open Notification Chanel Settings button and ensure that notifications are enabled.